Teaching Programs
Volunteers are welcome in the teaching sector for both governmental and non-governmental schools. Beside this, one can have opportunity to have non-formal classes with the lower caste and disadvantages chldrens, adults and women. FORDNEPAL volunteer- teachers also can involve on other activities of the schools such as games, painting, music, dancing and other activities.
Most of the school in Nepal has fixed English courses for teaching. so, volunteers teach English courses in collaboration with local English teachers. We have dozen of schools in different parts of Nepal where volunteers are placed.
A volunteer teaches 3-5 hours each day for 6 days a week. The age of the students ranges from 5- 16 years. Teaching placement outside of Katmandu Valley is available anytime except July and August. But, teaching placements can be arranged in Katmandu Valley all year round.
Informal classes in local villages can also be organized if the volunteers are interested. It is recommended to bring some teaching materials for the kids.